Monday 8 April 2013

Self-Driving Cars are on the way: See the demo through Video

If you think all the hubbub about Google’s fancy self-driving cars is just a fleeting novelty, Ford, it of the automobile industry, thinks you should check yourself before you wreck yourself.

According to Ford predicts driver less cars will be a way of life by 2017. So its just 5 years from now on. if you think that too early for introductions of this much new technology in world of car, you are definitely wrong then. Think of the time, 5 years back in 2007 when I phone was launched with era of new enhancement in technology and people was amazed to see the next level of smart phones then why it can't be happened in world of cars? You can now think of Driver-less car.

Take a look at this Ford's Driver less traffic jam assist technology car in the video below:

That smart car technology called Traffic Jam Assist will help reduce traffic by at least 37.5%: says Ford. In other words, if you commute an hour on a freeway during rush hour, your commute would drop down to 38 minutes. but

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